Information about the Joint SESYNC - UFZ - sDiv Call on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services

Human decision making

Title:  Synthesis of micro-scale human decision making to mitigate risks to ecosystem services

PI:  Maja Schlüter (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden) and Marco Janssen (Arizona State University, USA)

date at sDiv: 29.06.-03.07.2015

Urban ESS

Title:  Ecological and Social Linkages among Biodiversity, ESS, and Environmental Policy and Management in the World’s Cities

PI:  Myla Aronson (Hofstra University, USA) and Charles Nilon (University of Missouri, USA)

date at sDiv: 01.-04.07.2014

Acacia invasions

Restoration synthesis

Dieser Inhalt ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar. Bei Fragen zur Arbeitsgruppe, wenden Sie sich bitte an den sDiv-Koordinator Dr. Marten Winter.

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